Image Resizer


Image Resizer


How to Use the Image Resizer Tool:

Selecting a Page

  1. Edit the WordPress page or post where you want to insert the Image Resizer tool.
  2. Use the shortcode within the content editor to embed the tool

Uoload Your File

Click on the “Choose File” button to select an image from your device.

Select format

From the dropdown menu, choose the desired format for the resized image (JPEG or PNG).

Specify Dimensions

Enter the desired width and height for the resized image into the respective input fields.

Resize the Image

Click the “Resize” button to process the image according to the specified dimensions and format.

Preview and Download

  1. After processing, the resized image will be displayed in the preview area.
  2. Click the “Download” button to save the resized image to your device.


To clear the form and start over, click the “Reset” button

Final Result

By following these steps, you can easily resize images to their desired specifications and enjoy the benefits of optimized images on their WordPress site.